Friday, May 11, 2007

Condemned 2: Bloodshot Announced for Xbox360/PS3

Ask anyone who owns an Xbox 360 what one of the most memorable and surprising hit launch titles were and I’m sure Condemned will be at the top of everyone’s list. Thankfully, SEGA knows this and has announced today Condemned 2: Bloodshot will be released in early 2008 for the Xbox 360 and PS3.

Condemned 2: Bloodshot will put us back in the shoes of Ethan Thomas. It seems Ethan’s former partner has gone missing, so he sets out to find him. Ethan though isn’t the same man he used to be. He was effected by all of the craziness that went on in the first Condemned and is now a “desperate burnout”, according to SEGA’s description.

One of the biggest surprises from the announcement is the fact there will be online multiplayer included in Condemned 2: Bloodshot. No further details on what we should expect with this addition, but as soon as details emerge we will make sure to update you guys accordingly.

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