Tuesday, May 20, 2008

MessengerGroup (beta) published new features

To prevent annoying from bots or spammers, Messenger Group (Intro) released the blacklist feature last week. And to provide users better services, they put out Membership Verification feature now!

Group owner and admin can delete and remove those spammers to blacklist directly
For those annoying bots, select the option “Setting - Blacklist”, add bots accounts into the blacklist
Users in blacklist will not annoy the group again. Each group’s blacklist can just hold 20 Messenger accounts.

Membership Verification
Group owner and administrator can open the right panel to set membership verification mode.
Currently there are four modes to be set:
1. Allow anybody join the group

2. Approved to join by the group admin (Messenger users must apply and get approved for membership by group owner or admin)

3. Answer a question to join (group owner or admin may set a question and an answer, membership applicants need to answer the question; if the answer is correct, ok, joined; otherwise cannot)

4. Nobody can join the group.

Personal Information
Group users may also find an another new feature, personal information.
Click a group member’s nickname, you will see his or her personal information, which can be set in Setting – My Profile.

Techlads Group: mgroup41284@hotmail.com | Official Website